Sunday, February 16, 2020

Exam Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Exam Questions - Essay Example This results in a reduction per unit output and an increase in their average rate of operation. Such mergers can be extremely beneficial to companies who can benefit from the future advantage of multiple manufacturers are supported by a singular center. This can prove to be quite cost effective in the long term. 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the friendly versus hostile approaches to a corporate takeover? Hostile takeovers are sometimes preferred because it allows the takeover firm to, essentially, ambush the target company, giving them no time to react, preempt, or interfere with such a takeover. It forces the hands of the target company giving them little beneficial choice in attempting to impede the takeover. Friendly takeovers are only really beneficial when the takeover company wants to maintain much of the staff and management and prevent any interference in productivity. A friendly takeover comes with a warning and can encourage more cooperation; however that is not always the case. Sometimes, the foreknowledge of the takeover can lead to the target company, raising the value of its stocks and granting greater opportunity to impede the process if they so wish. Both have advantages and disadvantages, but it’s the opportunity that the element of surprise offers that makes hostile takeovers so common. 3. What are the four basic types of business level strategies that companies commonly pursue, and how are they different? The four basic types of business level strategies that companies commonly pursue are. 1. Price or Cost leadership: Cost leadership developing a firm with the lowest cost of operation within their industry and aims to increase scale of production. Price leadership refers to a business that may be the one with the lower cost to produce but not necessarily selling its products and services at the lowest cost. 2. Product differentiation: Is a company that works to make its products so very different in its appearance and packaging in order to set it apart from the its competitors. This can be lucrative for a business as the consumers perceive the unique appearance as a sign of a superior product. 3. Focus or niche strategies: Refers to a firm or company that specifies its products to a specific demographic or group that is not necessarily the majority of consumers. Essentially it is an opportunity to become a mainstay within that product industry. 4. Hybrid Strategies: This, simply, refers to firms that option to combine the different styles and incorporate elements of each. In other words it focuses on efficient cost effective production, works to make their product unique amongst its competitors, and seeks out its own appropriate niche to guarantee greater profit. 4. Identify at least three criteria that might be used to select a manufacturing firm as a potential acquisition candidate. A financial services firm? A high technology firm? (Answer these questions in 110 words or less) Any given busin ess must be wise in choosing the manufacturing, financial, and high technology firms that they employ for their business. There are some very important criteria that they will consider when making the selection of each. When seeking a financial servicing firm they may

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Poetry Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Poetry Analysis - Research Paper Example Take the church money out and head cross town to my friend girl's house where we plan our round. We meet our men and go to a joint where the music is blue and to the point. Folks write about me. They just can't see how I work all week at the factory. Then get spruced up and laugh and dance And turn away from worry with sassy glance. They accuse me of livin' from day to day, but who are they kiddin'? So are they. My life ain't heaven but it sure ain't hell. I'm not on top but I call it swell if I'm able to work and get paid right and have the luck to be Black on a Saturday night.   Interpretation & Analysis: Being the most visible voice among contemporary African American women, Maya Angelou’s works deal with subjects such as racism, sexism, civil rights, etc. She has also embraced various literary forms and genres to convey her creative thoughts. While ‘I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings’ and its sequels are autobiographical novels, she has also written numerous pl ays and poems. Her poems are known for their rhyme, metric and the tone of informality. The poem chosen for this analysis is titled Weekend Glory, a discussion of which follows. Weekend Glory is, in short, a celebration of work and life and the ideal balance between the two. Angelou contends that many people slog away at their office desks on weekdays and beyond, only because they lend themselves to be participants of a consumerist culture. For example, they buy expensive condo apartments, luxurious cars, etc, which places them in a perpetual debt cycle. The lines â€Å"posin’ and preenin’; and puttin’ on acts† conveys the author’s attitude toward such people, whom she sees as being ignorant and having misplaced values. Driven by an anxiety to move up socially, they seem to lose out on innocent joys of a simpler lifestyle. The author contrasts this typical modern lifestyle to her own life as a factory worker. While admitting that her own standard o f living is not top notch, she asserts that she lives a more colorful life than those fixated with career advancement. And nothing captures the author’s sense of success than her forays across town during the weekends – she gets her hair done, meets up with her friends, goes to a bar and enjoys the music and the experience there. This way she could spruce herself up for the new week of work at the factory. This sort of weekend glory may only be a consolation for the monotonous, boring nature of work awaiting her at the factory, but at least she revels in its rewards. More importantly, she is free of debt or illusion – which usually results from constantly comparing oneself with the Joneses. As for the technical aspects of the poem, it is written in a tight, compact form. This is typical of Angelou’s poetic works, which take after African American musical-lyrical tradition. The lines are short and crisp and are rhythmical throughout. But the size of stanza s are not consistent, ranging from 2 to 8 lines in length. Angelou usually gives emphasis to tone and flavor in her poems even if it compromises other metrics. And Weekend Glory is no exception to this. The tone is informal yet assertive and succeeds in capturing the author’s intended meaning. The overall effect is one of criticism towards work and careerism, while also showing empathy towards people. Works Cited: Angelou, Maya, Weekend Glory, poem from , first posted in January,